Intepesonal phenomena such as attachment, conflict, peson peception, leaning, and influence have taditionallyeen studiedy examining individuals in isolation, which falls shot of captuing thei tuly intepesonal natue. Thisook offes state-of-the-at solutions to this age-old polemy pesenting methodological and data-analytic appoaches useful in investigating pocesses that take place among dyads: couples, cowokes, paent and child, teache and student, o docto and patient, to name just a few. Rich examples fom psychology and acoss theehavioal and social sciences helpuild theeseache's aility to conceptualizeelationship pocesses; model and test fo acto effects, patne effects, andelationship effects; and model and contol fo the statistical intedependence that can existetween patnes.Poviding a solid g...
Intepesonal phenomena such as attachment, conflict, peson peception, leaning, and influence have taditionallyeen studiedy examining individuals in isolation, which falls shot of captuing thei tuly intepesonal natue. Thisook offes state-of-the-at solutions to this age-old polemy pesenting methodological and data-analytic appoaches useful in investigating pocesses that take place among dyads: couples, cowokes, paent and child, teache and student, o docto and patient, to name just a few. Rich examples fom psychology and acoss theehavioal and social sciences helpuild theeseache's aility to conceptualizeelationship pocesses; model and test fo acto effects, patne effects, andelationship effects; and model and contol fo the statistical intedependence that can existetween patnes.
Poviding a solid gasp of the many facets of dyadic analysis, theook povides a taxonomy of dyadic designs and addesses:
* How to design an appopiate dyadic study to addess a paticulaeseach question* Nonindependence: what it is and how to measue it* Ways to model and test fo acto effects, patne effects, andelationship effects* Stategies fo analyzing each dyad in a study with multiple outcome vaiales* The use of multilevel modeling and stuctual equation modeling in the estimation of dyadic models* Oganization and documentation of dyadic data files* The "Seven Deadly Sins" of dyadic data analysis and how to avoid them"It isae to find aook that povides a nicely oganized discussion of the appoaches to evaluation, as well as hands-on infomation on managing evaluation, evaluation ethics, diffeent evaluation philosophies, and utilization of evaluation. I especially liked the distinction among the vaious inteventions that ae the focus of evaluations, and the chats of the foms of evaluation. I also liked the focus on planning and diagnostic evaluation. The gaphics ae excellent, and Owen makes good use of insetoxes fo examples. I would use theook in an intoductoy evaluation class to povide students with aoadmap of evaluation appoaches and techniques and when and why to use them. This is one of only a few availale texts that assemle techniques and appoaches used in vaious counties acoss the wold, and thus it should appeal to a wide audience."
-Dea J. Rog, Cente fo Evaluation and Pogam Impovement, Vandeilt Univesity"Thisookeaks entiely new gound and, fo the fist time, offes social scientists a detailed methodological amamentaium fo the analysis of dyadic data that appea in aoadange ofeseach contexts. The development of oiginal and ceative solutions to some of the most vexing polems in dyadiceseach is pesented in a clea, accessile manney these talented authos. Dyadic Data Analysis is destined toecome a classic, and wille essentialeading fo advanced students andeseaches studying dyadic phenomena."
-Tom Malloy, Depatment of Psychology, Rhode Island College"If anyeseache (faculty o student) asked me fo advice on dyadic data, I would send him o he to thisook fist. It povides clea definitions, accessileeviews of topics that appea ineseach jounals, intuitive examples, and illustations with compute code. The authos ae toe commended fo taking such difficult topics and communicating them in an accessile manne."
-Richad Gonzalez, Depatment of Psychology, Univesity of Michigan"A well-witten and thooughgoing discussion of issues and appoaches in the analysis of dyadic data, witteny leades in the field....Theook woulde appopiate fo advanced undegaduate social psychology methods classes, as well as gaduate seminas. I stonglyecommend this text to evey socialelations and social psychologyeseache. I expect it will soonecome a widely cited classic."
-Buno D. Zumo, Measuement, Evaluation, and Reseach Methodology Pogam, and Depatment of Statistics, Univesity of Bitish Columia, Canada"A wondeful addition to eveyeseache's tool chest fo studying socialelations and social inteaction....What makes [the authos']
ook so useful is the aay of sutle issues they discuss, fom when to teat dyadic memes as distinguishale o as indistinguishale, to how to aay data fo dyadic analyses. The kinds of questions examined--fom the minute to the sweeping--indicate that thisook is witteny people with sustantial expeience in socialelationseseach."
-Joseph N. Cappella, Anneneg School fo Communication, Univesity of Pennsylvania"An excellent, accessile, and instuctive guide to dyadic data analysis. The authos clealy explain why intedependent data ae polematic when appoached with classical statistical techniques. Moe impotantly, howeve, they enlighten theeade aout the hidden teasues and oppotunities that ae inheent in dyadic data. Thisook povides a clea suvey of vaious analytic techniques thateseaches can use to ask and answe questions aout the dynamics of intepesonal inteactions, and it povides an engagingeview of intedisciplinay applications of dyadic data designs."
-Todd D. Little, Depatment of Psychology and Schiefelusch Institute fo Life Span Studies, Univesity of Kansas1. Basic Definitions and OveviewNonindependenceBasic DefinitionsData OganizationA Dataase of Dyadic Studies2. The Measuement of NonindependenceInteval Level of MeasuementCategoical MeasuesConsequences of Ignoing NonindependenceWhat Not to DoPowe Consideations3. Analyzing Between- and Within-Dyads Independent VaialesInteval Outcome Measues and Categoical Independent VaialesInteval Outcome Measues and Inteval Independent VaialesCategoical Outcome Vaiales4. Using Multilevel Modeling to Study DyadsMixed-Model ANOVAMultilevel-Model EquationsMultilevel Modeling with Maximum LikelihoodAdaptation of Multilevel Models to Dyadic Data5. Using Stuctual Equation Modeling to Study DyadsSteps in SEMConfimatoy Facto AnalysisPath Analyses with Dyadic DataSEM fo Dyads with Indistinguishale Memes6. Tests of Coelational Stuctue and Diffeential VaianceDistinguishale DyadsIndistinguishale Dyads7. Analyzing Mixed Independent Vaiales: The Acto.Patne Intedependence ModelThe ModelConceptual Intepetation of Acto and Patne EffectsEstimation of the APIM: Indistinguishale Dyad MemesEstimation of the APIM: Distinguishale DyadsPowe and Effect Size ComputationSpecification Eo in the APIM8. Social Relations Designs with Indistinguishale MemesThe Basic Data StuctuesModelDetails of an SRM AnalysisModelSocial Relations Analyses: An Example9. Social Relations Designs with RolesSRM Studies of Family RelationshipsDesign and Analysis of StudiesThe ModelApplication of the SRM with Roles Using Confimatoy Facto AnalysisThe Fou-Peson DesignIllustation of the Fou-Peson Family DesignThe Thee-Peson DesignMultiple Pespectives on Family RelationshipsMeans and Facto Scoe EstimationPowe and Sample Size10. One-with-Many DesignsDesign IssuesMeasuing NonindependenceThe Meaning of Nonindependence in the One-with-Many DesignUnivaiate Analysis with Indistinguishale PatnesUnivaiate Estimation with Distinguishale PatnesThe Recipocal One-with-Many Design11. Social Netwok AnalysisDefinitionsThe Repesentation of a NetwokNetwok MeasuesThe p112. Dyadic IndexesItem Measuement IssuesMeasues of Pofile SimilaityMean and Vaiance of the Dyadic IndexSteeotype AccuacyDiffeential Endosement of the SteeotypePseudo-Couple AnalysisIdiogaphic vesus Nomothetic AnalysisIllustation13. Ove-Time Analyses: Inteval OutcomesCoss-Lagged RegessionsOve-Time Standad APIMGowth-Cuve AnalysisCoss-Spectal AnalysisNonlinea Dynamic Modeling14. Ove-Time Analyses: Dichotomous OutcomesSequential AnalysisStatistical Analysis of Sequential Data: Log-Linea AnalysisStatistical Analysis of Sequential Data: Multilevel ModelingEvent-Histoy Analysis15. Concluding CommentsSpecialized Dyadic ModelsGoing Beyond the DyadConceptual and Pactical IssuesThe Seven Deadly Sins of Dyadic Data AnalysisThe Last Wod