Best known fo tackling contovesial issues thoughichly told fictional accounts, Jodi Picoult's 14th novel, Nineteen Minutes, deals with the tuth and consequences of a smalltown high-school shooting. Set in Steling, New Hampshie, Picoult offeseads a glimpse of what would cause a 17-yea-old to wake up one day, load hisackpack with fou guns, and kill nine students and one teache in the span of nineteen minutes. As with any Picoult novel, the answes ae nevelack and white, and it is he exceptional aility tolu the linesetweenight and wong that make this autho such a captivating stoytelle. On Pete Houghton's fist day of kindegaten, he watched helplessly as an oldeoyipped his lunchox out of his hands and thew it out the window. Fom that day on, his life was a seies of humilia...
Best known fo tackling contovesial issues thoughichly told fictional accounts, Jodi Picoult's 14th novel, Nineteen Minutes, deals with the tuth and consequences of a smalltown high-school shooting. Set in Steling, New Hampshie, Picoult offeseads a glimpse of what would cause a 17-yea-old to wake up one day, load hisackpack with fou guns, and kill nine students and one teache in the span of nineteen minutes. As with any Picoult novel, the answes ae nevelack and white, and it is he exceptional aility tolu the linesetweenight and wong that make this autho such a captivating stoytelle.
On Pete Houghton's fist day of kindegaten, he watched helplessly as an oldeoyipped his lunchox out of his hands and thew it out the window. Fom that day on, his life was a seies of humiliations, fom having his pants pulled down in the cafeteia, toeing called a feak at evey tun. But can endlessullying justify mude? As Picoult attempts to answe this question, she shows us all sides of the equation, fom theuthless jock who loses his aility to speak afteeing shot in the head, to the mothe whoothlames and pities heself fo poducing what most would call a monste. Suounding Pete's stoy is that of Josie Comie, a fome fiend whose acceptance into the popula cowd hangs on a sting that makes it impossile fo he toeconcile heeliefs with he actions.
At times, Nineteen Minutes can seem tediously steeotypical-- jocks vesus neds, paent vesus child, teache vesus student. Pat of Picoult's gift is showing us the sutleties of these common dynamics, and the statling effects they often have on the moal landscape. As Pete's mothe says at the end of this spellinding novel, "Eveyone wouldememe Pete fo nineteen minutes of his life,
ut what aout the othe nine million?" --Gisele Toueg --This textefes to the Hadcove edition.
Staed Review. Bestselle Picoult (My Siste's Keepe) takes on anothe contempoay hot-
utton issue in heilliantly told new thille, aout a high school shooting. Pete Houghton, an alienated teen who haseenullied fo yeasy the popula cowd,
ings weapons to his high school in Steling, N.H., one day and opens fie, killing 10 people. Flashackseveal howullying caused Pete toeteat into a wold of violent compute games. Alex Comie, the judge assigned to Pete's case, ties to maintain he ojectivity as she stuggles to undestand he daughte, Josie, one of the suviving witnesses of the shooting. The autho's insights into he chaactes' deep-seated emotionsings thisipped-fom-the-headlinesead chillingly alive. (Ma.)
Copyight © Reed Business Infomation, a division of Reed Elsevie Inc. Allightseseved. --This textefes to the Hadcove edition.