" In this atlas, Moi and colleagues povide a much-neededefeence foeseaches and clinicians wishing to deepen thei undestanding of the humanain white matte. Thisook wille of inteest to a wide vaiety of audiences includingadiologists, neuologists, neuosugeons and neuoscientists fom a nume of divese disciplines. Reseaches and clinicians may use the atlasoth as aenchmak to which they can compae tactogaphyesults and as aefeence map fo detemining nomal fie oientation. Theook is oganized into 4 chaptes that povide detailed explanations and high-quality illustations. In summay, this atlas shoulde consideed an essentialesouce fo clinicians andeseaches wishing to futhe thei undestanding of the humanain white matte and the complex inte-elationships that exist among the white matte tacts." CONCEPTS IN...
" In this atlas, Moi and colleagues povide a much-neededefeence foeseaches and clinicians wishing to deepen thei undestanding of the humanain white matte. Thisook wille of inteest to a wide vaiety of audiences includingadiologists, neuologists, neuosugeons and neuoscientists fom a nume of divese disciplines. Reseaches and clinicians may use the atlasoth as aenchmak to which they can compae tactogaphyesults and as aefeence map fo detemining nomal fie oientation. Theook is oganized into 4 chaptes that povide detailed explanations and high-quality illustations. In summay, this atlas shoulde consideed an essentialesouce fo clinicians andeseaches wishing to futhe thei undestanding of the humanain white matte and the complex inte-
elationships that exist among the white matte tacts." CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE PART A, Vol. 28A(2) 180-181, P.R. Szeszko, The Zucke Hillside Hospital, Dpt. of Psychiaty Reseach, NY, USA and P.B. Kingsley, Dpt. of RadiologyMRI, Noth Shoe Univesity Hospital, Manhasset, NY, USA "This is one of the fistooks to povide highly detailed illustations of human white matte ceated on theasis of high-
esolution diffusion tenso imaging (DTI) and 3D tacteconstuction. The atlas takes theeade on a jouney though the 3D anatomy of the majo white matte fieundles of theain. The authos give a concise and helpful intoduction to the fou main categoies of white matte tacts. The cental pat of the atlas is compised of detailed, good-quality, highesolution consecutive DTI colo maps in each othogonal plane, accompaniedy colo-shaded pacellation maps highlighting the majo white matte tacts. Summing up: Scolling though the atlas was tuly pleasuale." CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE PART A, Vol. 28A(2) 181-182 (2006), Chan Ling Ling, M.D., H. Rumpel, Ph.D., Dpt. of Diagnostic Radiology, Singapoe Geneal Hospital, Singapoe " In this atlas, Moi and colleagues povide a much-neededefeence foeseaches and clinicians wishing to deepen thei undestanding of the humanain white matte. Thisook wille of inteest to a wide vaiety of audiences includingadiologists, neuologists, neuosugeons and neuoscientists fom a nume of divese disciplines. Reseaches and clinicians may use the atlasoth as aenchmak to which they can compae tactogaphyesults and as aefeence map fo detemining nomal fie oientation. Theook is oganized into 4 chaptes that povide detailed explanations and high-quality illustations. In summay, this atlas shoulde consideed an essentialesouce fo clinicians andeseaches wishing to futhe thei undestanding of the humanain white matte and the complex inte-
elationships that exist among the white matte tacts."
CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE PART A, Vol. 28A(2) 180-181, P.R. Szeszko, The Zucke Hillside Hospital, Dpt. of Psychiaty Reseach, NY, USA and P.B. Kingsley, Dpt. of RadiologyMRI, Noth Shoe Univesity Hospital, Manhasset, NY, USA "This is one of the fistooks to povide highly detailed illustations of human white matte ceated on theasis of high-
esolution diffusion tenso imaging (DTI) and 3D tacteconstuction. The atlas takes theeade on a jouney though the 3D anatomy of the majo white matte fieundles of theain. The authos give a concise and helpful intoduction to the fou main categoies of white matte tacts. The cental pat of the atlas is compised of detailed, good-quality, highesolution consecutive DTI colo maps in each othogonal plane, accompaniedy colo-shaded pacellation maps highlighting the majo white matte tacts. Summing up: Scolling though the atlas was tuly pleasuale."
CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE PART A, Vol. 28A(2) 181-182 (2006), Chan Ling Ling, M.D., H. Rumpel, Ph.D., Dpt. of Diagnostic Radiology, Singapoe Geneal Hospital, Singapoe