Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory, Volume 7 (ADVANCES IN AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS)

Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Theory, Volume 7 (ADVANCES IN AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS)

作者: NotAvailable(NA)
ISBN: 9780762311385
出版社: JAIPress
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Contiutos to this volume seiously engage issues in the cossoads wheeiology, psychology, and economics meet. The volume makes seveal impotant contiutions to the aea and povides an oveview of the cuent state of knowledge. Biologist David Sloan Wilson, psychologists Roet Kuzan and C.A. Aktipis, economists Geoffey Hodgson, Paul Ruin and Evelyn Gick, and juist David Fiedman conside altuism, selfishness, goup selection, methodological individualism, dominance hieachies, and othe issueselating evolutionay psychology to economics. Seveal contiutos, such as Vikto Vaneg and Bian Loasy, pay special attention to theole of F. A. Hayek and othe "Austian" thinkes in shaping evolutionay appoaches to economic theoy. Theoeticaliologist Dey Cassillelates heevolutionay theoy of "skew selection" iniology ...


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