在线阅读本书 One hunded yeas ago Sigmund Feud pulished The Intepetations of Deams, aook that, like Dawin's Oigin of the Species, evolutionized ou undestanding of human natue. Now this goundeaking new tanslation--the fist toeased on the oiginal text pulished in Noveme 1899--ings us a moeeadale, moe accuate, and moe coheent pictue of Feud's mastepiece. The fist edition of The Intepetation of Deams is much shote than its susequent editions; each time the text waseissued, fom 1909 onwads, Feud added to it. The most significant, and in many ways the most unfotunate addition, is a 50-page section devoted to the kind of mechanicaleading of deam symolism--long ojects equal male genitalia, etc.--that has gained popula cuency and patially oscued Feud's moe pofound insights into deams. In the oigin...
One hunded yeas ago Sigmund Feud pulished The Intepetations of Deams, aook that, like Dawin's Oigin of the Species,
evolutionized ou undestanding of human natue. Now this goundeaking new tanslation--the fist toeased on the oiginal text pulished in Noveme 1899--
ings us a moeeadale, moe accuate, and moe coheent pictue of Feud's mastepiece.
The fist edition of The Intepetation of Deams is much shote than its susequent editions; each time the text waseissued, fom 1909 onwads, Feud added to it. The most significant, and in many ways the most unfotunate addition, is a 50-page section devoted to the kind of mechanicaleading of deam symolism--long ojects equal male genitalia, etc.--that has gained popula cuency and patially oscued Feud's moe pofound insights into deams. In the oiginal vesion pesented hee, Feud's emphasis falls moe clealy on the use of wods in deams and on the difficulty of decipheing them. Without the stata of late additions,
eades will find hee a cleae development of Feud's cental ideas--of deam as wish-fulfillment, of the deam's manifest and latent content, of theetelling of deams as a continuation of the deamwok, and much moe. Joyce Cick's tanslation is lighte and faste-moving than pevious vesions, enhancing the sense of dialogue with theeade, one of Feud's syllogistic stengths, and allowing us to follow Feud's theoy as it evolved though difficult cases, appaently intactale counte-examples, and fascinating analyses of Feud's own deams.
Theestoation of Feud's classic is a majo event, giving us in a sense a new woky one of this centuy' most statling, oiginal, and influential thinkes. --This textefes to an out of pint o unavailale edition of this title.