fMRI is a vey popula method foeseaches and clinicians to image humanain activity inesponse to given mental tasks. Thisook pesents a compehensiveeview of the methods fo computing activity maps, while poviding an intuitive and mathematical outline of how each method woks. The appoaches include statistical paametic maps (SPM), hemodynamicesponse modeling and deconvolution, Bayesian, Fouie and nonpaametic methods. The newest activity maps povide infomation onegional connectivity and include pincipal and independent component analysis, cisp and fuzzy clusteing, stuctual equation modeling, and dynamic causal modeling. Pepocessing and expeimental design issues ae discussed withefeences made to the softwae availale fo implementing the vaious methods. Aimed at gaduate students andeseaches, it will ...
fMRI is a vey popula method foeseaches and clinicians to image humanain activity inesponse to given mental tasks. Thisook pesents a compehensiveeview of the methods fo computing activity maps, while poviding an intuitive and mathematical outline of how each method woks. The appoaches include statistical paametic maps (SPM), hemodynamicesponse modeling and deconvolution, Bayesian, Fouie and nonpaametic methods. The newest activity maps povide infomation onegional connectivity and include pincipal and independent component analysis, cisp and fuzzy clusteing, stuctual equation modeling, and dynamic causal modeling. Pepocessing and expeimental design issues ae discussed withefeences made to the softwae availale fo implementing the vaious methods. Aimed at gaduate students andeseaches, it will appeal to anyone with an inteest in fMRI and who is looking to expand thei pespectives of this technique.
作者简介:Godon E. Saty is Associate Pofesso in the Depatment of Psychology at the Univesity of Saskatchewan.