

作者: [美]卡耐基[Carnegie,D.]
ISBN: 9787802113756
出版社: 中央编译出版社
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Book Desciption The Quick & Easy Way to Effective Speaking Moden Techniques fo Dynamic Communication Pat of Intoduction Dale Canegue Began teaching his fist speaking couse in 1912 fi tge YMCA at 125th Steet in New Yok City. In those days, pulic speaking wasegaded as an at, athe than as a skill, and its teaching aims wee diected towad poducing oatos and platfom giants of the silve-tongued vaiety. The aveageusiness o pofessional man who meely wanted to expess himself with moe ease and self-confidence in his own milieu did not wish to spend his time o money studying mechanics of speech, voice poduction, ules ofhetoic, and fomalized gestues. Dale Canegie's couses in effective speaking wee immediately successfulecause they gave these men theesults they wanted. Dale appoached pulic s...


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