Thisook offes a unified account of the majoeseach findings and theoies on the development of childen's thinking fom infancy to adolescence; and also consides thei pactical implications. It examines the change pocesses though which development occus, as well as the natue of the changes in language, peception, memoy, conceptual undestanding, and polem-solving that mak cognitive development. Eight cental themes pesented in the fist chapte integate and unify the pesentation. The authos examine Piaget's theoy of development, infomation-pocessing theoies of development, sociocultual theoies, peceptual development, language development, memoy development, conceptual development, polem solving, social cognition and the development of academic skills. Fo anyone involved in the thinking pocesses a...
Thisook offes a unified account of the majoeseach findings and theoies on the development of childen's thinking fom infancy to adolescence; and also consides thei pactical implications. It examines the change pocesses though which development occus, as well as the natue of the changes in language, peception, memoy, conceptual undestanding, and polem-solving that mak cognitive development. Eight cental themes pesented in the fist chapte integate and unify the pesentation. The authos examine Piaget's theoy of development, infomation-pocessing theoies of development, sociocultual theoies, peceptual development, language development, memoy development, conceptual development, polem solving, social cognition and the development of academic skills. Fo anyone involved in the thinking pocesses and development of childen. <