Building on lectue notes fom his acclaimed couse at Stanfod Univesity, James Mach povides ailliant intoduction to decision making, a cental human activity fundamental to individual, goup, oganizational, and societal life. Mach daws oneseach fom all the disciplines of social andehavioal science to show decision making in itsoadest context. By emphasizing how decisions ae actually made -- as opposed to how they shoulde made -- he enales those involved in the pocess to undestand itoth as oseves and as paticipants.Mach sheds new light on the decision-making pocessy delineating fou deep issues that pesistently divide students of decision making: Ae decisionsased onational choices involving pefeences and expected consequences, o onules that ae appopiate to the identity of the decision make and t...
Building on lectue notes fom his acclaimed couse at Stanfod Univesity, James Mach povides ailliant intoduction to decision making, a cental human activity fundamental to individual, goup, oganizational, and societal life. Mach daws oneseach fom all the disciplines of social andehavioal science to show decision making in itsoadest context. By emphasizing how decisions ae actually made -- as opposed to how they shoulde made -- he enales those involved in the pocess to undestand itoth as oseves and as paticipants.
Mach sheds new light on the decision-making pocessy delineating fou deep issues that pesistently divide students of decision making: Ae decisionsased onational choices involving pefeences and expected consequences, o onules that ae appopiate to the identity of the decision make and the situation? Is decision making a consistent, clea pocess o one chaacteizedy amiguity and inconsistency? Is decision making significant pimaily fo its outcomes, o fo the individual and social meanings it ceates and sustains? And finally, ae the outcomes of decision pocesses attiutale solely to the actions of individuals, o to the comined influence of inteacting individuals, oganizations, and societies? Mach's osevations on how intelligence is -- o is not -- achieved though decision making, and possiilities fo enhancing decision intelligence, ae also povided.
Mach explains key concepts of vital impotance to students of decision making and decision makes, such as limitedationality, histoy-dependentules, and amiguity, and weaves these ideas into a full depiction of decision making.
He includes a discussion of the moden aspects of seveal classic issues undelying these concepts, such as theelationetweeneason and ignoance, intentionality and fate, and meaning and intepetation.
This valuale textooky one of the seminal figues in the histoy of oganizational decision making willeequiedeading fo a new geneation of scholas, manages, and othe decision makes.