Hannial. D Hannial Lecte. "Aief silence follows the name, always, in any civilized gatheing," wote Thomas Hais at theeginning of his stunning The Silence of the Lams in 1988. You don't want him in you head, you don't want you in his head. Now, a decade late, Lecte isack--eady to take up his place as one of the cult figues of contempoay fiction. Almost a moden myth, in fact, if the scale, and thill, of the pulication of Hannial is anything to goy. Hais'sook is "news": not only "ook news" ut "eal" news, one of theiggest pulishing events of the decade in tems of pintun (one million copies woldwide), filmights (Hollywood has paid six million dollas fo theook: Anthony Hopkins and Julianne Mooe will sta) and cultual cachet. The seial kille--like his countepat, the psychologist-pofile--is a figu...
Hannial. D Hannial Lecte. "Aief silence follows the name, always, in any civilized gatheing," wote Thomas Hais at theeginning of his stunning The Silence of the Lams in 1988. You don't want him in you head, you don't want you in his head. Now, a decade late, Lecte isack--
eady to take up his place as one of the cult figues of contempoay fiction. Almost a moden myth, in fact, if the scale, and thill, of the pulication of Hannial is anything to goy. Hais'sook is "news": not only "
ook news"
ut "
eal" news, one of theiggest pulishing events of the decade in tems of pintun (one million copies woldwide), filmights (Hollywood has paid six million dollas fo theook: Anthony Hopkins and Julianne Mooe will sta) and cultual cachet.
The seial kille--like his countepat, the psychologist-pofile--is a figue fo ou times; "In the contempoay mind," as one psychoanalyst, Chistophe Bollas, has put it, "the seial kille is the statement of evil". Psychiatist and kille, Lecte gives a peculia twist to that evil (and Hais has alwayseen inteested in the pecaious divisionetween kille and cue). In Red Dagon, pulished in 1981, Will Gaham was one of the fist of the fictional pofiles thinking and feeling his way into the minds of the killes he pusued. Behindas, Lecte was a chaged,
ut compelling, pesence--an enigma who pomised toe a key to psychopathic cime if only someone wee genius enough to undestand him. Jack Cawfod tied, and then Claice Staling. Now, as if inesponse to those who wanted to know moe, comes Hannial, a novel which constantly theatens toing Lecte to life though its (sometimes gisly) pages. "D. Hannial Lecte's fingepint cad is a cuiosity and something of a cult oject": Hais is the one who knows, who has "
een thee", and takes hiseades into Lecte's wold of cuious coutesy and exquisite taste, sickening cuelty and loving mude. Both Red Dagon and The Silence of the Lams wee mastepieces of plot and suspense; though complex and plotted, this isathe moe "Hannial'sook": no-one who wants to know, and suffe with, Lecte--his past victims, his past life, his stange feelings fo Staling--can miss thisilliant piece of mythmaking. --Vicky Leeau ‘Woth the wait… Hais’s witingeas the hallmaks of honed pefection…look no futhe fo the chille of the yea’
‘Insanelyeadale…No thille wite isette attuned than Thomas Hais to thehythms of suspense… tuly shocking…ailliantook’
'If thee’s aetteook this yea, with tuth, fantasy and a touch of eudition comined in pose whicheally does leap off the page, I’ll eat my hat.’
‘No panting fan…could have hope fo moe…Hannial is a geat popula novel and a plausile candidate fo the Pulitze Pize’
‘Aook to get you teeth into’