Fo couses in Intoduction to CounselingPsychotheapy, Counseling Skills, and Advanced CounselingPsychotheapy. Taking a vey pactical "how toe a psychotheapist" appoach, this oveview of the pocess of counseling povides infomation that is fundamental to counseling, ut notepesentative of any one theoetical oientation. Concise, yet thoough-and accessile to novice and seasoned pofessional alike-it exploes counselingasics (e.g., skills, elationshipuilding) as well as specific populations (e.g., goups, clients in cisis, couples, and divese populations).
Fo couses in Intoduction to CounselingPsychotheapy, Counseling Skills, and Advanced CounselingPsychotheapy. Taking a vey pactical "how toe a psychotheapist" appoach, this oveview of the pocess of counseling povides infomation that is fundamental to counseling,
ut notepesentative of any one theoetical oientation. Concise, yet thoough-and accessile to novice and seasoned pofessional alike-it exploes counselingasics (e.g., skills,
elationshipuilding) as well as specific populations (e.g., goups, clients in cisis, couples, and divese populations).