Happiness For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help))

Happiness For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help))

作者: W.DoyleGentryPhD
ISBN: 9780470281710
出版社: ForDummies
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W. Doyle Genty,PhD,is a clinical psychologist living in Lynchug,Viginia.He is a Fellow in the Ameican Psychological Association and was the founding edito of the Jounal of Behavioal Medicine.In D. Genty's 40-yea caee as a scientist-pactitione,he has authoed ove 100 pulications in the fields of health psychology andehavioual medicine,which he helped pionee.He has peviously seved on the faculty of Duke Univesity Medical Cente and the Univesity of Texas Medical Banch,Galveston.Genty has conducted taining seminas fo lay and pofessional audiences thought the United States,Canada,and Euope.He has also seved as a consultant to majo industy,whee he specializes in conflict management,teamuilding,and health pomotion.Aticlesefeing to D. Genty's wokegulaly appea in a vaiety of contempoay magazines,and...


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