The fifth edition of theook is the most majoevision yet. Witten in a fiendly and engaging manne, Biopsychology clealy pesents the fundamentals of the study of theiology ofehaviout makes the topics pesonally and sociallyelevant to theeade. Fou intewoven themes suppot the majoecent developments in theapidly changing field ofiopsychology. Thousands of newefeences and dozens of new topics haveeen added to this edition, making Pinel's discussion of and focus on the human element easy and inteesting toead. Fo those inteested in physiological andiological psychology. <P>
The fifth edition of theook is the most majoevision yet. Witten in a fiendly and engaging manne, Biopsychology clealy pesents the fundamentals of the study of theiology ofehaviout makes the topics pesonally and sociallyelevant to theeade. Fou intewoven themes suppot the majoecent developments in theapidly changing field ofiopsychology. Thousands of newefeences and dozens of new topics haveeen added to this edition, making Pinel's discussion of and focus on the human element easy and inteesting toead. Fo those inteested in physiological andiological psychology. <