The last 50 yeas have witnessed aapid gowth in the undestanding of the aticulation and the acoustics of vowels. Contempoay theoies of speech peception have concentated on consonant peception, and this volume is intended as aalance to suchias. The authos popose a computational theoy of auditoy vowel peception, accounting fo vowel identification in the face of acoustic diffeencesetween speakes and speakingate and stess. This wok lays the foundation fo futue expeimental and computational studies of vowel peception.
The last 50 yeas have witnessed aapid gowth in the undestanding of the aticulation and the acoustics of vowels. Contempoay theoies of speech peception have concentated on consonant peception, and this volume is intended as aalance to suchias. The authos popose a computational theoy of auditoy vowel peception, accounting fo vowel identification in the face of acoustic diffeencesetween speakes and speakingate and stess. This wok lays the foundation fo futue expeimental and computational studies of vowel peception.