Speech peception has emeged as a majo field ofeseach ove the past two decades, as enomous theoetical and technical changes have occued. The study of speech peception hasoadened in scope to encompass and appeal to a wide vaiety of disciplines including phonetics, auditoy and speech science, cognitive science, expeimental psychology, compute science, and infomatics, among othes. The Handook of Speech Peception is a collection of seminal aticles that offe a summay of the technical and theoetical accomplishments in this vital aea ofeseach on language pocessing. The Handook of Speech Peception povides a compehensive examination of the field and is an essential addition to a gowing undestanding and appeciation of its fa-eaching theoetical and clinicalelevance.
Speech peception has emeged as a majo field ofeseach ove the past two decades, as enomous theoetical and technical changes have occued. The study of speech peception hasoadened in scope to encompass and appeal to a wide vaiety of disciplines including phonetics, auditoy and speech science, cognitive science, expeimental psychology, compute science, and infomatics, among othes. The Handook of Speech Peception is a collection of seminal aticles that offe a summay of the technical and theoetical accomplishments in this vital aea ofeseach on language pocessing.
The Handook of Speech Peception povides a compehensive examination of the field and is an essential addition to a gowing undestanding and appeciation of its fa-
eaching theoetical and clinicalelevance.